Friday, June 27, 2008

Dyeing of the colourful kind!

Group session was all about dyeing using natural and artificial dyes. Katie, Ben and I had already tried out a few natural dyes as reported here, but families also brought along big vats of paprika/ chilli and elderberry to add to our coffee, tea, nettles/dock leaves and beetroot. We all had a go at painting on paper with these dyes as well as dipping materials and sheep wool into the bowls to see how deep a colour the dye would produce. It looked like the elderberry was going to be the best, but once home the dye turned out to be a rather sad grey which was a bit of a disappointment.
Natural dye

The artificial dyeing produced, not surprisingly, wonderful results. Tie dyeing t-shirts, cloth bags and literally anything in the way of plain materials produced an array of colour.
Deep colours of the artificial dye.

Shall certainly be doing more of this. At 75 pence each for the children's white t-shirts at QDs (and they were lovely quality), or £1 for adults (although these were rather huge) tie-dyed tops make brilliant gifts for the younger members of our family.
Tie-dye t-shirts and natural dyed cloth (at far right), although the colour didn't last unfortunately.

Love this website, all about colour + some projects to have a bash at.

little flower



At 11:03 pm, Blogger stefndawniy said...

wow I know a little miss Naomi who would love doing that, I'll show her your pics :-)

At 2:34 pm, Blogger Elaine, Ellies Treasures said...

It's great fun and quite cheap to do (or free for the natural dyes) but a bit messy, which of course goes hand in hand with HE doesn't it!? Elle

At 12:47 am, Blogger HelenHaricot said...

our girls really enjoyed it, and have loved showing off their tops! do they need to be set before washing?
chris only took a couple of photos - on flickr

At 12:24 pm, Blogger Elaine, Ellies Treasures said...

I didn't set our t-shirts. You probably know already that it's best to wash them seperately as the dye still seems to be leaking from ours, even after three washes! Elle


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