Monday, June 05, 2006

Farm Party and other things

June seems like it's going to be a busy month. I actually enjoy having a diary that looks like a bomb's exploded all over it, but I'm alittle worried I'll miss something important!

My sister and her family visited on Saturday. She has two boys, 4 1/2 and 2 1/2, both lovely, lively little chaps. Thankfully they played with B on this visit. When we went to their house recently, the boys chose to play with K and B felt very left out! Lots of noise, lots of pizza for lunch and full tums afterwards. Went with them on to Sleaford to baby sit for the evening. My sis and her hubby were going to an evening wedding reception, so the kiddies needed looking after and it made sense to all go over to where the party was to be held, luckily in the town where bro-in-law's mum lives (but his mum was on holiday). Uneventful evening, little one slept in a bed for first time and didn't fall out or even get out until the morning. It was lovely to hear them singing and chatting to themselves until 9 p.m., as little one's do, and wake up doing the same (at 6:45 a.m.!).

Sunday, B went to a party held at a local farm. He had a fabulous time. Sun shone and the air was warm so finally no lugging of jumpers and coats with us. A wonderful playground kept everyone amused until a very bumpy tractor ride took the party to an enchanted forest to hunt for presents (what a lovely idea). Food next then a great load of energy used up on the mini tractors and bouncy castle. Strangely enough this farm party didn't include a visit to the animals, but B and I did this afterwards. A place to go back to with K I think; it would certainly fill an afternoon, maybe a day if the weather's good. Here's a couple of piccies. It was lovely to see B enjoying the company of his new friends, even if he does need reminding to calm down once in a while!

P is off work (again) for most of this week. He has an exam on Thursday and is hoping to swat up for it beforehand. Also hoping to see Curious George this week as he's home, and drag B to the cinema once and for all (probably kicking and screaming). No idea why he won't go to the big screen, probably because he doesn't know what'll actually happen. I'm hoping he'll settle once he realises it's not too bad, just a little loud! Went bowling with the group today and B won again - he was so thrilled with himself. K came second in her team but didn't care - she just enjoyed the opportunity to "gallop" up and down with her friend and chat about horses and models!


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